Applying for BFA In Ceramics
In January I decided to return to university to complete my degree. The boys are older, we are planning a move back to the mountains, I really didn’t have that much course work left to complete, and I decided that if I was going to finish I should just do it.
Yeah, 2020 was the perfect year to turn my life and our homeschool upside down to try and finish my degree…
I eased myself in during Spring semester with only two classes - a Liberal Studies general ed requirement and a Digital Media Design class. Maybe I’ll share more about my coursework and experience with those classes some other time. Enter in the worldwide pandemic and all classes moved online. We had to rearrange the entire household to give my husband an office with the door and get everyone online for school, music lessons, etc. Turmoil…
I had hope that we would be back on campus for the summer. I had planned an independent study in Ceramics to help me get my bearings again with clay before beginning projects classes– it had been almost 20 years! Like most of our plans for this year they were just washed away. There was a smaller class offered remotely this summer called Topics in Ceramics. It was a lovely little class with several fun projects. Also during the summer the boys and I dug and processed clay from our creek and drove to Virginia to buy a kick wheel. I’ll tell you all about each of them in turn some other time.
This Fall Semester I have been attempting to carry out the Independent Study that I had planned for the summer. Enter a huge tree falling on our house knocking a hole in the boys bedroom during Jae Emerling’s lecture on Surrealism. Just when I was getting the insurance stuff sorted out with that disaster I was rear-ended on the way home from a photography workshop sponsored by Atkins Library. It totaled my car, gave me whiplash and gave me a second baptism of insurance paperwork, phone calls and emails. And of course this happened during the two weeks I had set aside to put together my portfolio slideshow for my BFA review. I pulled it together but just barely! You can take a look at the slideshow here:
I’m now digging deep and pressing forward to complete as much work as I can for my Independent Study. I set up a smorgasbord of things to play around with during this semester. In some ways it is very much akin to a sampler quilt. I’m gathering together as many techniques and ideas as I can to give me things to pull from in upcoming projects and thesis classes.